First Steps:

  1. Using the hex key provided open the back cover and reconnect the battery.
  2. Charge for at least 30minutes before recording InfraRed codes.

On Android devices:

  1. Install ClickToPhone directly from this website here (preferred) or visit the Play Store.
  2. After installation the Setup Wizard will run automatically.
  3. To pair your HouseMate hardware press the back button and then choose Project Settings->Enable Technician Mode->Continue-> Pair your Hardware.

On iOS devices:

  1. For iOS devices download the HouseMate Home Control app from the App Store.
  2. After installation hold on the spanner button in the bottom right corner for 6 seconds to enter technician mode.
  3. To pair your HouseMate choose Project->Setup your devices->HouseMate hardware->Pair Hardware

For further assistance visit and the latest manuals visit out downloads section.